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The SMART criteria provide a clear, concise framework for setting goals and objectives in various settings, including education. When learning objectives are SMART, they clarify the path to success, making it easier for students to understand expectations and for educators to measure outcomes.

Incorporating the SMART approach in online course creation and educational design can be streamlined with ChatGPT or other AI tools. This AI tool can assist in refining course objectives to ensure they are actionable and aligned with the educational goals.
We have noticed the quality of outputs can vary from one AI to and another and also vary depending on if you have the paid or unpaid versions.

AI Prompt Example

Create five SMART learning objectives for an online course on Python programming for beginners, ensuring they cover a broad range of skills from basics to intermediate applications.

SMART goal AI example 1


Example of Claude output

Claude AI example of Instructional design prompt

AI in learning design can be super helpful.  However care may still be taken as from time to time the AI generated responses might be a bit off or totally wrong!

If you’re interested in leveraging AI for educational design head over to our sister site ThinkyDink and check out our courses on AI.   Our Instructional Design Plus + course also has a unit on AI.



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